I see and get asked the same question a lot, “How often should I be posting?”

The secret behind, “How often you should be posting…everything?” is that there is no secret.

To connect with your audience, you must be showing up in a consistent and dependable rhythm and cycle. 


Each business is different when it comes to their sales cycle.

A connection made today with the consistency of value and connection will lead to a sale in the future.

Now that future could be 6 months, a year, or even four years from now. However, if you are inconsistent, if you stop putting your stuff out there, they will forget about you, and they will go somewhere else.

This is why it is so important to be consistent in your marketing. Businesses do not explode overnight it takes consistent and dedicated work to build an audience and a following in the online space.


If you are in my Facebook group Focused on Content Creation, you have more than likely already read my posts regarding Building Relationships, Giving Value to your Audience, and Selling to Your Audience.

For those who may have missed it, 

you can check out all of the blog posts I developed for my Content Drip Planning course by clicking on the links below. 

> Building Relationships Through Content

> How to Bring Value to Your Audience?

> What I Know Sales Not to Be

> The E-mail Marketing Drip Cycle

Schedule Your Call TODAY!

Stop being inconsistent with your content, get your content plan by signing up for your Content Drip Planning Call!

When you sit down to plan your content, ask yourself how often you can show up for your audience. 

When it comes to your long-form content like your blog, podcast, videos, etc. You need to be making new content often in order to provide your audience with consistent new material to consume. 


Depending on the format and length of your long-form content you should be producing something new once a week to every other week at minimum. If you can create more content than this regularly and consistently go for it, because the more often you are showing up for your audience the more opportunity you give them to share your material with others and engage with you building up your relationship and network faster. 

Marketing is truly like dating, which is what makes it so personal a choice on how often you are posting and producing content. Some of us like to take our relationships slowly, while others are perfectly comfortable with moving quickly because we took the opportunity to spend endless hours together with our partner where others spent a few hours at a time over the course of years, building their relationships. 

As you develop your content drip plan, keep in mind your other responsibilities and what you can handle in terms of production. This will tell you exactly how often you should be posting every week. 


Join the group NOW

To participate in the content drip planning course please join my group Focused on Content Creation and go to the Units Section. When you join please feel free to introduce yourself.

In case you missed it.

Lesson 1 in my Content Drip Planning Course

Lesson 2 in my Content Drip Planning Course

Lesson 3 in my Content Drip Planning Course

Lesson 4 in my Content Drip Planning Course