There is a lot going on here at L.M.V.A our first newsletter will be going out on December 26, 2019, in addition, we recently did a blogging marathon on our Facebook business page. We shared multiple live videos discussing blogging and its importance and hosted a 3-day course on how to research and outline a blog post in the Focused on Content Creation Facebook group.

We choose the top most viewed video as well as the top two most value-filled videos to share with you here today.

Video 1- Our most viewed video a Shout out to Samantha Laycock of Creative Purpose Freelance Blogging. Samantha is a blogger and ghostwriter. She works in the self-care niche and works with both service-based and product-based businesses. Check out her website here and take a look at the shout out video we did for her below.

Video 2- Three Reasons you need a blog on your website. How blogging affects your SEO and why simply using an SEO plugin is not enough to get you to the first page of Google for your keywords.

Video 3- Where and how to share your blog posts. Simplify your content creation process, and build up your social media calendar.

In November we did a 3-day course on How to Research and Outline your Blog Posts.

Day One Blog Outlining Course:

We discussed how to research and develop blog post ideas. Two giveaways were included as apart of the course including a blank copy of our blogging research template as well as the copywriter checklist.

The blog research template is broken down into 5 sections. The main idea/title section, the scheduling date, the 5 subsections, backlinks section, and notes section.

Here at L.M.V.A we offer a customized blogging calendar as apart of our service offerings for $47, which provides you with 6 blog post outlines covering 2 blog posts a month for 3 months you will also sit down with Brittany Gregory our C.E.O for a one on one to talk about the ideas and the outlines so you know and understand how to implement them. If you are interested in learning more about our services or products please contact us via the contact page by sending a message or setting up a free consultation.

If you would like a free copy of the blank template please sign up for it here and we will get a copy of it sent over to your inbox.

Here is the video from day one of the blog outlining course, which will walk you through exactly how to research and develop ideas for your blog posts.

Day Two Blog Outlining Course:

Day two we discussed how to outline your blog post from your keywords, research, and topic ideas. We go over how to utilize the blog calendar template, plus there is also a bonus lesson on where to share your blog posts once they are written.

Day Three Blog Outlining Course:

Day three of my course was about headlines and getting them set up for SEO as well as ensuring they are clickable.

This blogging marathon was a lot of fun and was finalized by a one-hour webinar intensive discussing everything you need to know about blogging to increase your profits for your business. If you would like to check out the webinar, please sign up for our newsletter and we will be sure to send it over to you.