There are many format types in the online space, but they all require you to know 3 important key facts regarding your business.
- The Purpose of your Copy
- Who is Your Audience?
- Knowing your product
If you want more information on what is needed to write copy, check out my blog post the 7 things you need to send your copywriter. I even have a nifty little copywriter checklist download for you here.
What is copy?
This is a question I receive often. Copy is any content written for the online space, typically with the purpose of selling or advertising.
There are many different format styles for copywriting, like college essays the format you use is very much dependent on the purpose for which you are writing the content.
Here is my list of the most common format types:
- Blog posts
- Social Media posts
- Emails
- Web page content
- home
- about
- services
- contact
- Landing page/Sales page
- Course/Presentation
- Social Media Ads
- Ebooks
- Brochures
- Public Announcements
- Scripts
- podcasts
- youtube videos
- live videos
- Infographics
I am sure there are a few more I missed, not to mention some of those I listed have multiple formats you can follow. A quick google search for the format type you are looking for will provide you a basic outline for any of the formats I just listed. Most are simple enough to follow, but as I stated at the beginning there are three key pieces of information you must know about your business.
What is your purpose?
There are four basic purposes for writing/developing content for your business.
- Educate your audience
- Solve a problem for your audience
- Entertain your audience
- Relate to your audience
Your content does not always need to be selling, you also want it to foster and develop relationships and trust amidst your audience and followers in order to make it easier for them to decide when they actually want to purchase.
Who is your audience?
Different people may prefer different format styles. They may all have similar personality quirks or lifestyles, but they may learn and process information differently. Check out this great article on the Rasmussen College website on the basic four learning styles and how teachers can accommodate their diverse classrooms. This information is easily applied to marketing in your business.
Due to the diverse learning styles of our audience, it is important that we are showing up in different formats: through video, through blogs, through courses, and pictures.
The job of an entrepreneur today is not easy. We are no longer at a place where we can just pick up a phone and call 100 people and make 10 sales. We are no longer in a place where standing on a street corner yelling free samples, get your free samples is going to bring us international attention it might still work for some businesses, but I doubt me yelling on a street corner that I write copy for a living is going to get me much more than a couple of stares and pat’s on the shoulder.
Currently, we are in a place where we need to develop multiple forms of communication to reach the people we want to connect and sell to.
Know your product?
You need to know what you are selling before you can start writing anything. I have had people come to me saying:
“I am putting together a course could you write the landing page copy that gets people to purchase it?”
“Um sure, but I need this, this, this, and this in order to write that for you.”
Some of them have had the information I needed while others took a look at what I needed and realized they had some thinking to do. Before you write a piece of copy for a product, you need to know what that product is. You can not put the cart before the horse.
By knowing your purpose, who your audience is, and what you are selling you will be able to write any piece of copy for your business. If you are still struggling to understand how to write the content you need for your business, feel free to schedule a free consultation with me. I offer multiple copywriting and content creation services.
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